Hospital Visits During COVID-19

Is it safe to go to the hospital?

Yes it is. Hospitals are still encouraging people to come to prevent greater risk or illness and to reach out to their local hospital now to understand what precautions and protocols they need to take should they decide they need to go. 

When should I go to the hospital?
What should I do before I go to the hospital?
What T1D supplies should I bring to the hospital?

Protocols vary by hospital, and some facilities may not allow the use of your own supplies and T1D technology, but experts advise that you bring your own supplies and be prepared to use them if possible. 

      1. Blood glucose monitoring equipment


      2. Insulin and injection or pump supplies


       3. Vials of all insulins used, with back-up vials. Many hospitals do not carry all types of insulins, so if you would prefer not to change, bring your own.

      4. Supply of treatments for non-severe lows (glucose tablets, juice etc.)

      5. Glucagon (if available)

      6. Ketone test strips (should be available, but good to take with you)

      7. Copies of your healthcare team’s contact information

      8. If possible, a copy of your last prescription

      9. Details of your insulin regimen to share with medical staff: if medical staff need to manage your T1D on your behalf, this is information that they need communicated clearly and quickly. For example, if you use an insulin pump, try to download and bring a printout of the device settings, showing the basal profile, the profile of your carbohydrate-to-insulin ratios, the profile of your insulin sensitivity factor, targets for correction doses and active insulin time. Also include your typical total daily dose of insulin.